CBD for Kids–Can Children Use CBD?

With CBD becoming a more popular natural wellness remedy, many parents have pondered the question of whether they might be able to give CBD to their children. With the long and controversial history of Cannabis in the U.S. and elsewhere, the subject may feel a bit taboo to some. Nevertheless, the question “can kids have CBD?” is an important one to answer. So, Silver Rain is here to answer all of the unasked questions surrounding CBD for kids. 

Is CBD safe for children?

The most important question that most parents will have is whether or not CBD is actually safe for children. The short answer is yes–for the most part, kids can use CBD products with the same low level of risk as adults. CBD is known to have very few side effects, most of which are mild. Some side effects that both childrens and adults may experience with CBD include: 

  • Sleepiness/fatigue
  • Stomach upset 
  • Diarrhea

Of course, giving CBD for your child should still be done within reason. Avoid administering CBD to any child under 5 years of age, and talk to your pediatrician before giving your child any non-topical CBD. Another important safeguard is to ensure that CBD will not conflict with any other medications your child may be taking. 

CBD Dosages for Children 

The main difference between CBD for kids and adults that you will want to consider is the dosage amount that you are giving them. Since children are smaller, it is important to ensure that they use smaller amounts of CBD based on their weight. Because of this, the dosage instructions on CBD product packaging may need to be adjusted to a small quantity depending on the size of your child.

Oral V.S. topical CBD 

Another important factor to consider on the topic of CBD for kids is the type of product you may want to give to your child. There are currently dozens of different CBD products on the market that include oil tinctures, pill capsules, “edibles” in the form of candy or snacks, lotions, sprays, and more. Generally speaking, you can break most CBD products into one of two overarching categories: Oral or Topical. 

Oral CBD

Oral CBDs are taken either sublingually, in pill form, or within a food or beverage. The cannabinoid then enters the bloodstream after being absorbed in the stomach. 

Topical CBD

Topical CBD includes any lotions, creams, sprays, etc. that are applied to the skin as a means of pain relief, tension relief, or pain prevention. With topical CBD, the cannabinoid does not enter the bloodstream. 

Because CBD does not enter the bloodstream in topical form, many people believe that topical CBD might be generally safer for children than oral CBD. It is also a known fact that topical CBD will have far fewer side effects than oral CBD, because it is not being digested or absorbed in the blood. 

Avoiding THC Traces in CBD Oil  

With topical CBD, both children and adults will avoid many side effects from CBD, as well as any potential side effects from small traces of leftover THC present in CBD oil. 

THC, a sister cannabinoid from the same plant as CBD, is known to cause psychoactive and intoxicating effects that can impair judgment and cognition–which is obviously not safe for children. 

Luckily, THC only appears in CBD oil in trace amounts, with the legal limit being 0.3% THC content for all U.S. CBD products. This makes the risk of experiencing the effects of THC from CBD oil low, but it might still motivate many parents to avoid giving CBD to their children. 

If you are concerned about the effects that trace amounts of THC may have, it is probably best to stick to topical CBD, which does not require the same dosage precautions. 

Why administer CBD to your child?

There are many reasons why parents might decide to administer CBD to their children. CBD is known to provide many potential healing properties for a range of symptoms. Some of the issues CBD may be helpful in treating include:

  • Chronic pain
  • Inflammation in the joints and muscles
  • Soreness and pain related to sports or exercise
  • Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues
  • Insomnia and other sleep disorders

In recent years, studies have shown that CBD may be useful in helping children who struggle with early-onset pain, anxiety, and even behavioral issues related to disorders like ADHD or ADD. 

One study suggests that CBD may be beneficial in reducing hyperactivity, anxiety, and other symptoms associated with ADHD in children and adolescents. Because of this potential, CBD is becoming more commonly considered by parents seeking natural alternatives for their children, especially when hoping to avoid harsh pharmaceuticals that may imply more side effects for children. 

Topical CBD has also shown promising results for children dealing with musculoskeletal pain. Just like topical CBD for adults, lotions and creams that use the cannabinoid as the main ingredient have been helpful to many kids dealing with growing pains or soreness from sports or other sorts of activities. 

Mini Case Study–10 Year Old Tricking Pro Uses Topical CBD to Keep Going

One inspiring case in which topical CBD has been helpful for a child involves10 year old Marcus, a west coast resident who participates in tricking. Tricking is an extreme sport that involves kicks, flips, and other tricks that utilize only the body’s natural strength. Because tricking is extreme, it can cause wear and tear on the body even for younger, able bodied athletes. 

In Marcus’s case, his love of tricking was unfortunately causing numerous accounts of muscle soreness, joint pain, and other impact-related pain. Repeated injuries were beginning to threaten his ability to continue in the sport, and he was dealing with debilitating pain from Sever’s disease. Marcus’s mother decided to try out Silver Rain’s CBD Healing Cream & Move Joint Relief Spray to see if this may help.

Marcus noticed an immediate difference when using the products. His new routine now incorporates the Healing cream for recovery after practice, and the Move spray whenever his Sever’s disease is acting up. 

His mother noted that in contrast to other products Marcus had tried, she could tell he wasn’t ‘faking’ that the products were actually working just to get back out into the sport. With previous products, Marcus would not be able to practice his sport and would sometimes struggle to get through a session. With the Healing Cream & Move spray, Marcus was forgetting about his pain, and his mother noticed that he was even mentioning his pain less frequently to her. 

Additionally, the product did not present any negative effects that would decrease Marcus’s performance or impact his health. 

Check out Silver Rain’s video on Marcus to see more about his story.

Is it legal to give your kids CBD?

If you log onto any CBD website, you will likely see a message popup confirming that you are over the age of 21. So, most people will probably assume that there is no legal way of having a child take CBD.

The truth is, the legality of CBD products does have some gray areas. This means that you need to practice caution with using CBD, but it also means that there are some emerging legal options with CBD that you may not be aware of. If you want to determine whether a specific CBD product is legal to give to you child, we encourage you to do some research, and know CBD laws specific to your state, before proceeding.

Since topical CBD is not absorbed in the same way as a CBD tincture, the legal ramifications of topical CBD for kids can differ. Currently, there is no legal prohibition of using CBD in cosmetics such as makeups, lotions, and creams. Topical CBD can also be advertised and distributed with slightly more lax regulations than oral CBD tinctures. If you want your child to try using topical CBD, it’s possible that you can legally purchase a topical product for your child to use. Keep in mind, specific legal implications will depend on your state.   

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.