CBD for Energy in Your “Pre” and “Post” Workout Routine

If you exercise regularly, you’re likely familiar with the discomfort, soreness, and exhaustion that tend to accompany a workout. Staying active is vital for your health, and it’s also necessary to take care of yourself afterward to ensure adequate healing and recharging. But consistent physical activity can put a lot of strain on your body, leaving you with residual tensions and exhaustion. That’s why CBD can come in handy. Have you thought of CBD for energy or physical recovery before?

CBD can provide both physical relief from post work-out soreness, as well as the energy boost needed to prevent burnout and exhaustion.

CBD is the most well-known non-psychoactive chemical extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant. Its popularity stems from the fact that it has a number of medicinal properties linked with its use. Even before the current popularity of CBD, people have used hemp for fitness in a number of settings. Keep reading to discover how to work CBD into your “pre” and “post” exercise routine.

CBD and Energy

CBD is known to have a calming effect in many ways, but it may also provide energy and stamina in certain applications. While this might sound contradictory, it actually makes sense when you consider how our body’s natural endocannabinoid system works.

The endocannabinoid system regulates a number of bodily functions, including our sleep and wake cycles. Our abilities to relax and sleep, but also to feel energized and focused, correlate. You might be familiar with this concept with a number OTC products people take either to sleep or gain energy–these processes effect one another.

The endocannabinoid system regulates a number of bodily functions, including our sleep and wake cycles. Our abilities to relax and sleep, but also to feel energized and focused, correlate. You might be familiar with this concept with a number OTC products people take either to sleep or gain energy–these processes effect one another.

A 2014 study found that while CBD showed promise in the treatment of sleep disorders, it also showed potential as a waking agent. So, while CBD can be extremely calming and sedative at night, might also help regulate the body’s natural cycles and boost energy during waking hours.

CBD for Pre-Workout

Taking CBD before a workout offers numerous advantages. As a pre-workout, it allows your muscles and body to rest, lowering inflammation and the likelihood of damage.

The first step of using CBD as a pre-workout supplement, is to think about the results you want to accomplish. This is because t he method of administration and the time of administration of CBD might have a significant impact on how you react to it. For example, ingesting a CBD pill will cause your body to absorb CBD slower than an application method like sublingual drops, which have a much faster effect.

You can select a product that appeals to you and tinker with the time at which you take it based on when you are looking for the CBD to take effect. Also, if you’re using CBD before a workout, you should start with minimal amounts to explore what works best for you.

CBD for Post-Workout

Aches and pains produced by a hard workout come from the body attempting to repair microtears in muscle fibers. These microtears are generated by muscular tension and strain. While this sensation may be unpleasant, it is an indication that your muscles are healing and developing stronger fibers that are more resistant to harm.

That being said, getting over the joint pain, muscular tightness, and previous injury flare-ups that follow a workout can be hard. Exhaustion from a morning workout can also make it difficult to be productive the rest of the day. Sometimes this holds people back from attaining their full physical capacity. If this sounds like you, then it may be a good idea to try out CBD which has been shown to have great potential for reducing inflammation, pain, and soreness.

CBD, as an anti-catabolic, is well-known for aiding muscle regeneration. Anti-catabolic means that  it controls the quantity of cortisol in your system. This is a good thing for recovery because excessive levels of cortisol can inhibit protein synthesis and new tissue development if not regulated.

If you’re seeking to incorporate CBD into your post workout routine, you should begin experimenting with different CBD products to see what appeals to you and gives you the results you desire.  CBD can be taken in a variety of ways, from topical lotions and salves to oral capsules. Find the CBD product that best suits your needs, check the suggested dosage label on the product, and apply it when you’re facing post-workout discomfort. 

Check out the rest of our blog for more insight on CBD and fitness. Happy healing!

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.