Navigating Discussions Around Cannabis & CBD

As CBD grows in popularity, an increasing amount of people are finding valuable healing solutions through CBD products. Unfortunately, CBD advocates often face misinformed stigmas surrounding cannabis when broaching the subject with others. Developing a wheelhouse of knowledge and talking points around the topic can help navigate discussion about CBD. Ultimately, this practice can lead to a more informed public notions towards cannabis and CBD.

Address the Stigmas

Understanding the thinking related to cannabis and the hemp industry can help navigate discussions about CBD. You might start by addressing the underlying stigmas surrounding cannabis in order to break down misunderstandings of the subject.

First, it is important to note the history of cannabis in the United States. Cannabis, the plant from which CBD is derived, has a tumultuous legal history in the US, with undeniable ties to political influences. Although CBD is now increasing in its legality, its background has shaded many people’s perceptions of the substance. Understanding the way that the political history of cannabis has shaped social opinions on CBD can be an important factor when discussing the subject.

Keep in mind that although you might have personal positive experiences with CBD, many people who do not understand the full background of cannabis products question its validity as a medicinal supplement.

Establish the Difference Between THC and CBD

Secondly, understanding the difference between THC and CBD will help clarify things. 

THC and CBD are both cannabinoids extracted from the cannabis plant. However, the two compounds have vastly different effects. THC is psychoactive, meaning it alters your mind and nervous system function. This can inhibit your sobriety, or in other words, cause the “high” that most people associate with cannabis.

CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive. Although it provides many healing properties like other cannabinoids, it does not alter your mindset at all. Overall, it is considered by health experts to have relatively lower side effects than THC. 

The effects of THC typically make up the main source of stereotypes surrounding all cannabis and hemp products. However, almost all of the CBD products you will see on the market have no more than trace amounts of THC, and do not cause the same “high” as marijuana. 

Clarifying these differences with friends and family can make a huge impact on breaking down unrealistic stereotypes and fears about CBD.

Explain the Benefits 

Perhaps most importantly, you can make a large impact in a discussion about CBD by laying out the studied benefits of the compound.

In reality, CBD provides a laundry list of benefits and uses for medicinal purposes. Make sure to share that CBD might*:

  • Mitigate chronic pain
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Relax sore muscles
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Boost mood/lower symptoms of depression
  • Treat mental health issues such as PTSD and SAD
  • Boost Energy
  • Improve sleep quality

Bringing up the diverse possibilities that CBD has to offer is likely to make a lasting impression on those new to the CBD discussion. It might even open the minds of some skeptics who were previously unwilling to try CBD products.

Focus on Education

The best way to navigate any discussion is to focus on facts and education rather than arguing. Try to avoid being defensive or combative, as this might devolve the conversation into an argument.

Instead, provide your friends and family with trustworthy educational material that can widen their understanding of the subject.

If they want to learn more, you can always offer up some recommended reading from CBD experts. Sites like the National Library of Medicine, Healthline, Project CBD, and Silver Rain can provide additional education for anyone with continuing curiosity. 

Offer CBD to Others

Lastly, you are sure to make an impression on the conversation by offering up some CBD products to those around you. Let them try out your favorite CBD tincture or cream, and let the product do the talking for you. If your friends and family are able to experience the benefits of CBD first hand, it is all the more likely that everyone might develop a positive mentality on the subject.

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.